

Cocoa almond biscotti

This biscotti is one of my favourite cookies. In such a cold winter, sitting in the soft warm sofa, dipping biscotti in hot dark chocolate, enjoying the additional cocoa flavour and crunchy almonds -- What a life!

Well, stop daydreaming :P, let's bake!

(1) Beat 2 whole eggs and 1/2 cup sugar until whitish-yellow in color and thick in viscosity;

(2) Beat in 2 tbsp oil until well combined;

(3) Combine 1 3/4 cup all purpose flour, 3/4 tsp baking powder, 1 pinch salt, 1 tbsp cocoa and whisk into beaten egg, blending with rubber spatula to form a sticky ball (don't over work);

(4) Preheat oven to 350 F;

(5) Gently fold 1/2 cup crunched almond into the batter until just blended;

(6) Wear disposable gloves and line baking pan with parchment paper;

(7) Divide the batter into two portions and place them on the baking pan, form each portion into loaf (about 15 cm long, 3~5 cm high);

(8) Bake for 25 minutes and remove baking pan from oven, cool for 10 minutes;

(9) Transfer the two loaves to a cutting board and cut into 1 cm thick pieces with a serrated knife;

(10) Place cut pieces with one cut side up on the baking pan and bake for 8 minutes;

(11) Flip all pieces over and bake another side for 8 minutes.

(12) Cool them on a wire rack;

Biscotti can be kept in an airtight container at room temperature for quite a long period.

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