

Hopewell Rocks (NB, Canada)

Hopewell Rocks is located in New Brunswick, Canada.

Before traveling to Hopewell Rocks, we checked Website of Hopewell Rocks for the timetable of tide. The best time walking on the beach is three hours before / after the lowest tide, and of course, this is the safest time. We don't want to meet the extraordinarily huge high tide when we are staying in the beach. Think about it, the total height of tide is 15 meters, which spends only 12 hours to reach this height; therefore, for each hour, the tide rises about 1.25 meters!

Here we are, Hopewell rocks.


The most famous spot -- Flowerpots. I have seen this picture on every poster or magazine cover, but I still take a shot. How can I resist having this beautiful natural creation in my camera?

I love this so much, it is incredible:

Look at the cliff, it is reddish, isn't it?

A super mushroom:

Okay, here, the layers in the rock has a tilt about 30 degree, that's how the rock was formed millions years ago.

Suddenly, the dark storm cloud was coming:

Oops, rushing in the heavy rain, and we were all wet. Take a seat in High Tide Café, enjoy the lobster roll and have a good rest.

Sunny again, we went to Demoiselle Beach; we were told that we could meet deer, moose, fox, coyote and sandpiper. HOWEVER, because of the rain (I guess), nothing at all.

Oh, my god, gonna shower again? Quickly shooting a scene of mudflat; and then, run run run...

What a day.

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